By: SeeEeOo
“Dissatisfaction is a great starting point, for it is right there that we have the most power, strength and energy to push change through.” — David Denotaria
“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” — Walt Disney
There’s always this urge among students to start a business. It’s understandable; the school is a breeding ground and seeing that you’re brimming full of ideas, you’re always geared towards exploring your ideas.
However, let us work out your ideas realistically. It wouldn’t be an understatement saying melting two different metals at the same time is never easy and to try to prove wrong the saying “being a student entrepreneur is not easy dough” is simply being unrealistic. Although one can be successful in both, provided one is ready for what it takes. This article is to deepen the understanding of students engaging or aspiring to engage in entrepreneurial activities in the university, most especially in the great premier university, the University of Ibadan. According to the frontline words of the school, “the first and best”, engaging in entrepreneur activities within its four walls catalyzes success. Therefore, reading through this article will reveal few but important things to behold as you brim with business ideas or engage in one form of entrepreneurial activity or the other.
First and foremost, every business starts with an idea which makes virtually everybody eligible to participate. However assuring any business (or idea) may be of success, there are things to behold and take important. First is the harmonious mindset: as a student aspiring to venture into entrepreneurial ventures, there is need for proper harmonious mindset to balance both sides. When looking at some of the great men such as Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, and Bill Gates of Microsoft (who both dropped out of school), one could be tempted to think that dropping out is the only escape route to rightly pursue one’s dream outside an academic environment. Notions such as this could be misleading, as there exist various opportunities for a student entrepreneur. These are part of what today’s article is bringing for your comprehension.
In addition to being in a harmonious state of mind, one needs to behold the university setting as a platform for relationships that can strengthen one’s business ideas, also as a sphere for networking and opportunities. Examples are various social events such as fraternity events, sorority events, and exhibitions and trade fairs which being a student can offer one easily. Another example of opportunity is leverage for grants and team competitions. When building positive relationship within the campus, teams of equal mindset will emerge and with that, changes are always being effected by team work, ensuring the survival of the business ideas. Also, there is a chance of participating with the team members in pitching for grants. This is a great opportunity the university offers.
Furthermore, the university environment offers the ready availability of academic personnel (professors, doctors, lecturers), departmental conferences, faculty conferences, and halls of residence’s programmes which bring in successful individuals during these programmes for the benefit of aspiring entrepreneurs. These are opportunities that may not be available outside the setting of a university. Thus, engaging in them provides room for networking and strengthening of businesses by improving how they are run. In fact, the presence of academic personnel who are knowledgeable about trends in your line of business offers that avenue for constructive criticism from learned icons. You can easily get in touch with a professor that you think will be of help by politely asking for the needed help. This assures success as they are individuals who know much of what the real world really is.
In conclusion, according to the two opening quotes, being dissatisfied about a problem isn’t enough, talking about the solution to the problems for long will neither solve the problems, but making use of the opportunities this institution can provide and laying hold on to them, will provide the required breakthrough. So, as an aspiring entrepreneur, get rid of fear and take the step in faith, and never let go of your ideas. Becoming is a process that starts with being that same thing. Take the deep breath once more and be.