Zik Hall Announces 60th Anniversary Celebrations in Tribute to Zikism

By: Ajadi Sodiq

On Tuesday, the 29th of August, Nnamdi Azikiwe Hall(ZIK) unveiled plans for its 60th anniversary celebration, which is set to commence on Monday, the 18th of September.

The seven-day Diamond Jubilee program is poised to kick off with a spirited rally on the 18th and culminate in a grand finale on Saturday, the 30th of September.

This elaborate commemoration is dedicated to honouring the profound legacy of Zikism and the preservation of cherished hall traditions.

The Hall Chairman, Mr. Uthman Adeniji, popularly known as Yamburger, shared his perspective on the upcoming Diamond Jubilee festivities, characterizing them as a unique opportunity to espouse the virtues of Zikism and to rejuvenate the traditions that have defined Nnamdi Azikwe Hall throughout its history.

Speaking exclusively to Indy Press, Mr. Uthman Adeniji (Yamburger) expressed the following sentiments with Indy press “We understand that expectations run high as the community eagerly anticipates our plans for this remarkable occasion.”

“The public can indeed look forward to a resplendent exhibition of Zikism and an authentic representation of Nnamdi Azikwe Hall’s enduring tradition. Throughout its illustrious history, the Great Hall has steadfastly maintained its reputation for excellence and authority, and this legacy remains unwavering.”

Mr. Adeniji further emphasized the inclusive nature of the event and what the Zikites and students should expect from the event.

“It is important to stress that this celebration is not solely intended for the current Zikites; we extend a warm invitation to our esteemed alumni, those who have witnessed the zenith of Zikism’s influence—from the days when Nnamdi Azikwe Hall echo with its resounding presence, to its emergence, and its ongoing journey towards greatness.”

Zik Hall is one of the largest in the University of Ibadan, and the pulse of the event will surely be felt across the institution.

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