Host, Nafisat Explain Rationale Behind Delayed Congress 

John Eriomala


Following the Call for Congress announced by the Students’ Union yesterday, the 11 October, 2023, the President and Vice President of the Union have given statements on the reasons for the delay in scheduling a Congress.

Speaking with Indy Press, the President, Samson Tobiloba, said, “The delay was due to the need for us to follow the due process in calling the Congress so that we don’t end up having an illegitimate Congress. One of such is the need to verify the signatories.” This was corroborated by Vice President, Nafisat Ogunsesan, who said “It was as a result of verifying the correctness of all signatories.”

This comes on the heels of an October 3, 2023 letter, circulated by the group of four students who had submitted the initial request for a Congress. In it, they petitioned the Executives for their failure to respond to the call despite having met the constitutional requirements in their earlier letter acknowledged by the SU on August 25, 2023. It also follows questions raised regarding the lack of a call for congress during the last Students Representative Council meeting on Saturday, October 7, 2023.

The Congress is scheduled to be held by 7 AM on Saturday, the 14th of October, at the Students’ Union Building Foyer. On what to expect, Nafisat said, “While the agenda of the Congress will be released soon, our utmost priority is already started in the release: protecting and promoting the interests of every Uites. And that’s what the Congress will achieve.”
















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