Resumption Controversy: UItes Share Sentiments As New Semester Kick-off

By: Rahmon Yusuf


Undergraduates from various faculties of the prestigious University of Ibadan have expressed divergent candid reactions towards the commencement of the second semester of the 2022/2023 academic session, particularly about the resumption date and how lectures have been so far.

The university commenced the second semester of the 2022/2023 academic session on the 3rd of January, 2024 – On a Wednesday and just two days after the New Year festivities. Normally, mid-week resumption is utilized for admitting students back into their respective halls of residence while lectures commence fully in the subsequent week. However, things took a new dimension this time and did not go unnoticed by the students.

In her reaction, Olaluwoye Titilayo, a 100L student of the Faculty of Science was quite indifferent about the resumption as she noted that 80% of her classes have started. At the same time, they still await the practical classes of TME 121 and PHY 118 to begin. She however wished more detailed information about resumption was provided.

“We could have been told if lectures would start immediately or given one or two days to settle down. At least, that would have helped in my planning.”

Enebeli Evans, a 200L student of the Faculty of Tech expressed his displeasure with the resumption for being too early which prevented him from bringing foodstuff but was surprised and more frustrated when lectures did not fully commence upon his arrival on campus. He believes that the resumption date should have been shifted to Monday, 8th of January, 2024.

“It’s too early for the resumption. I was not able to bring some things like foodstuffs since the resumption date was too soon. Now resuming back on campus, I found out that most lectures haven’t fully commenced, this was painful but then it is fine.”

Speaking to Adewole Abdullah, a 200L student of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, he lamented over the hecticness of classes since the first day of resumption. He also protested the idea of a mid-week resumption and believed the school should have just resumed on a new week.

“Resumption has been good, though hectic. I have been attending classes daily since January 3rd and go to classes at 8 am every day and return by 5 pm, whereas some haven’t resumed school at all. We have been having tests in my department. In short, it has been all round work since the resumption for me.”

Peculiar, a 200L from the Faculty of Arts noted that he was glad school had resumed although the break was short. He went further to reveal that lectures have not started since the faculty timetable is yet to be released so he has simply been chilling off with his friends.

“Resuming back [sic] has been great though the break was too short. Our lecture timetable is yet to be released in the Faculty of Arts, therefore, lectures haven’t started for me hence I have been enjoying my stay among my brothers at  Indy.”

Speaking anonymously, another student of the Faculty of Law informed us that resumption has been stressful and lectures have fully commenced in his faculty. They have been back-to-back assignments from lecturers who have continued to exhaust their lecture periods as if it is the middle of the semester already.

“Lectures have started in my faculty and I even missed the first lecture since I resumed on Thursday. It has been stressful with loads of assignments and the rush from some of our lecturers. You can only imagine a lecturer completing 4 topics in an hour.”

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