“The New Look JCR Would Still Be Open For All Katangites” – Psam

By: Gideon Oyeyinka


The Administrator General of the Great Independence Hall, Mr. Ogunremi Samuel, declared that the newly renovated junior common room, after commissioning, would still be open for all Katangites and not aimed at being privatized.

During a plenary session of the Independence Hall Legislative Council, held on Sunday, 21st January, 2024 at the Indy Hall Cafeteria, the AG was asked if the purpose of the ongoing renovation at the JCR was to privatize it.

The AG in his response, said, “I also asked this question to our sponsors and they said clearly that the renovation was a gift to Katangites. The JCR would still be open for all Katangites, it’s called a common room, where you can come to relax with your friends after a long day of hectic classes…”

The AG also reaffirmed that his administration would always have the best interest of all Katangites at its core.

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