‘I promise to procure SRC notice boards for halls, repair and maintain available ones’ – UI’SRC Clerk, Honorable Shoge Quadri Says

By Aduwo Ayodele

Honorable Shoge Quadri, a 200-level student of the Faculty of Law and the Clerk-elect of the 11th Assembly, Students’ Representative Council, University of Ibadan Students’ Union, has on Thursday, May 16th, 2024, promised the purchase of SRC notice boards and repair of faulty ones across all halls of residence.

Honorable Shoge Quadri stated this in his manifesto and before the Council at the inaugural sitting of the 11th Assembly held at the SRC Chamber, Kunle Adepeju Memorial Students’ Union Building.

“The availability of SRC notice boards in halls of residence will expedite the dissemination of resolutions of the council and any other information relating to the council” Honorable Quadri said.

“I promise to procure SRC notice boards for halls of residence that do not have them and oversee the repair and maintenance of the available ones” the Honorable added.

Stating the funding source, Honorable Shoge Quadri noted that he would add the expenses of the new boards to be purchased or repaired to the budget of his office, and seek sponsorship where necessary.

“I will include the expenses in the budget of the office of (the) Clerk and seek sponsorship, in collaboration with the Speaker, to cover the costs of the notice boards or to supplement the funds released from the Union purse in case of fund shortage” Honorable Shoge explained.

The Honorable also promised to ensure easy accessibility of information from the Council to all University of Ibadan students, through the use of both majority leaders of each hall of residence and faculty presidents as medium.

“These resolutions will be disseminated both virtually through official social media platforms of the Students’ Associations and physically on notice boards designated for council resolutions in all halls of residence and faculties” he said.

“The majority leaders of each hall of residence will be responsible for facilitating the virtual and physical dissemination of council resolutions in their respective constituencies. Similarly, Faculty Presidents will be tasked with disseminating council resolutions to their faculties” Hon. Quadri’s manifesto reads.

The Honorable also promised to ‘take recordings and ensure proper documentation of minutes proceedings of council sittings and meetings’, while also ensuring that ‘a comprehensive agenda for the next sitting is drafted and sent to honorable members in advance’.

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