Hall Management Inaugurates Indy Hall 2023/2024 Executive Council


By – Aduwo Ayodele

The Great Independence Hall of Residence Management, comprised of the Hall Master and Hall Warden, on Thursday, May 30, 2024, has sworn-in members of the Executive Council for the 2023/2024 academic session.

The inauguration ceremony which held at the Junior Common Room was attended by the Hall Master, Professor Ademola Ajayi; Hall Warden, Dr. Adejumobi; Hall Porters; and observers.

(L-R: Olaniyan Ibrahim, newly inaugurated Administrator General; Professor Ademola Ajayi, Hall Master)

Following the oath-taking into the various respective offices anchored by the Hall Master, Professor Ademola Ajayi, the Management team counseled the newly inaugurated Executive body to sustain the good legacies of the hall.

Professor Ajayi while appreciating the outgone leadership, led by Ogunremi Samuel, extended an admonition on team-spirit to the new student leadership of the hall.

“You came, saw and conquered to the best of your ability. To the new Executive Council, try to be a team. Give the new Administrator General maximum cooperation, as others before you have always done” Professor Ajayi said.

In his own separate counsel, the Hall Warden, Dr. Adejumobi urged the new leadership of the hall to embrace sound moral virtues, while consciously sowing same as ambassadors of the hall.

“In whatever you are doing, don’t leave God. In everything, morality is also important” the Hall Master noted.

(Footage: Dr. Adejumobi, Indy Hall Warden addressing inaugurated Executive Council members).

Members of the Executive Council for the 2023/2024 Academic Session are: Administrator General,
Olaniyan Ibrahim; Secretary of State, Olaoye David; Public Relations Officer, Adekanmbi Ezekiel; House Secretary, Ejere Emmanuel; Finance Commissioner, Peleyeju Abayomi; Social and Buttery Commissioner, Adedeji Gbolahan; Health Commissioner, Ogbonna Nnamdi; and Defence Commissioner, Jatto Ebenezer.

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