By: IndyPress News Desk
Three billboards, situated along the entryways into Awo Stadium, University of Ibadan, are strategically positioned conveying eight items of notice and warning to members of the general public, IndyPress can report.
The bill board which welcomes the general public to the University of Ibadan Mini Stadium Complex noted that violators of the set regulations “will be strictly dealt with legally by the University authority“.
The rules displayed on the billboard prohibited non-sporting activities in or around the facility.
The billboard also clearly stated that criminal activities like ‘protest, drinking of alcohol’, among others, are totally forbidden in the area.
“This is to inform the General Public that the University of Ibadan Mini Stadium Complex is strictly for sporting activities only”.
“Only NUGA approved sporting activities are allowed.”
“Approval for the use of facilities must come from the office of the Director of Sports.”
“Training and coaching must be under the supervision of coaches.”
“No loitering, skating and reading, crossing of lawns, and gathering of two or more people are not allowed.”
“Sporting facilities must be handled with care, hard objects and obstacles must be avoided.”

“Criminal activities like huliganlism (as spelt), riot, illegal gathering, protest, drinking of alcohol, smoking and use of hard drugs are totally prohibited.”
“No vehicle should be parked at the entrances to the stadium behind crossbars.”
To obey the core values, the billboard highlighted 7:00am to 6:30pm as adherence time.
The rules were undersigned by ‘the Management’.
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