Asido Campus Network UI Organizes Charity Football Match, Creates Autism Awareness

By: Ambali Olayinka

Asido Campus Network, University of Ibadan, on Tuesday, 25th February 2025, organized a charity football match to raise awareness about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

The Asido Campus Network is a student-led mental health-promoting club and the youth arm of the Asido Foundation, dedicated to ensuring optimal mental health for every student on campus through awareness creation, advocacy, peer-to-peer counseling and support, youth mental health initiatives, drug abuse prevention, outreaches, and research.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), a complex developmental condition, is a difference in how the brain develops. It affects how people communicate or interact with others and how they experience the world around them.

It is called a “spectrum” because it affects people in many different ways—some might have mild challenges, while others might need more support.

The event featured distinguished guests, including Mrs. Taiwo from the Adeyanju Taiwo Foundation; the President of Rotaract Club UI, Bayo Beloved; and other representatives and members of JCIN UI and Rotaract Club UI.

The charity match, played in two stages, featured JCIN UI, Rotaract Club UI, and Asido Campus Network UI.

It kicked off at exactly 1:00 PM at the Abadina Primary School Football Pitch, with the first stage between JCIN UI and Rotaract Club UI, in which the football veterans from Rotaract Club UI emerged victorious by narrowly securing a point above JCIN UI’s football maestros.

The latter stage of the game saw the host, Asido Campus Network UI, face a tough battle against Rotaract Club UI.

In a display of dominance, Rotaract Club UI delivered the most surprising result of the day with a resounding 2-0 victory over Asido Campus Network UI.

Speaking to Olamiposi Motilola, the Director of Programs at Asido Campus Network, University of Ibadan, he said, “the reason for the charity football match is to create awareness about Autism Spectrum Disorder and also to usher in a series of other events, such as the Blue Bake Sale — a fundraising event aimed at raising autism awareness — to commemorate World Autism Awareness Month, dedicated to April.”

“This event has a two-fold impact. Apart from the message being passed across, the participants also experience a boost in both their physical and mental health. This is based on evidence that physical exercise boosts our mood and makes us stronger,” Mentor Mo, the staff advisor, as he’s called said.

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