
The Taste of Triumph: UI Convocation Reflections

  By: Sonaike Peter The university journey is a complex blend of excitement and challenges. And life afterwards can present its difficulties. Individual choices, mistakes, and each student’s degree of resilience while on campus are a trio of variables that shape each graduate. There are usually no twin graduates of […]

Audit Report: “The Hall’s Current Account Balance is #469, 606” – Indy Assembly Adopts First Semester Audit

By: Sonaike Peter The Legislative Council of the Great Independence Hall of Residence, University of Ibadan on Saturday, 9th November, 2024, adopted the hall’s first semester audit report. The house adopted the audit during her 4th plenary sitting held at the Junior Common Room(JCR). The audit comprised record of the […]

Pictures: Despite Indy Hall Assembly Proposed Bill and Deadline Against Defacement, Posters Still Desecrate Public Spaces

By: Sonaike Peter The Legislative Council, Great Independence Hall of Residence, University of Ibadan on Saturday, 9th of November, 2024, is reviewing a bill for the removal of existing fliers pasted within the hall. The bill proposed by the Estate Committee has been considered to move to the second phase […]

UI’SU Convenes Meeting on Campus Price Regulation 

By: Peter Sonaike The University of Ibadan Students’ Union on Thursday, 21st of November, 2024, has announced a date and time of a meeting convened to address issue of unregulated prices on campus. In a release co-signed by the Students’ General Secretary, Ogundijo Dolapo Japheth and the House Secretary, Elemide […]

Towards Responsible and Efficient Students’ Unionism

By Olu ‘Remilekun (Contributor) “Part of our educational process: must be the involvement of all sections of the University on the governing bodies, the case for student representation is unanswerable. It is inevitable.” – Jimmy Reid “An unjust law is no law at all” –  Saint Augustine Jimmy Reid’s 1972 […]

Tackling UI Quality Accommodation Deficit

In its nascent state, the University of Ibadan, which was originally known as the University College, Ibadan, recognized the need for proximity between students and the university. To this end, through Government intervention, the University built residential homes for both students and staff. It was provided to give the university […]

Breaking Babylon

By: Olu ‘Remilekun You have to understand. Most people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured and so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it. – Morpheus (The Matrix) Dealing with systems is complex. Defeating them is impossible without […]