The Dilemma of Indy’s Hall Elders Fee

By: Moses Adeosun

From being a rumour to being the UI committee reality, the school authorities increased the hostels’ accommodation fee from #30,000 to #45,000 and to succor the effect the Student Union leadership released a circular that the halls should not charge more than #3000 as Basic due.

However,  though the Student Union released a circular that the compulsory fee payable as hall dues is pegged at #3000 the finalist of The great Independence Hall got themselves a shocker as the Hall administration included a supposed “Elders fee” into their many expenses. 

Out of the many discrepancies of the fee is that the finalist were only informed as at the time of paying their dues. A mini sample of the finalist that had paid the dues informed us that they were only informed about this fee at the point of payment of the Hall dues. 

Not only did this due came impromptu it was also made compulsory. The finalist were told that like there predecessors who purchased an Elepaq generator for the Hall with the money initially planned to renovate the health post because prices of things were said to have been inflated, they have to leave a mark.

However, just like taking a leaf from their predecessors, the AG and his Executives failed to inform the finalist on what kind of Mark or in quote “capital project’ is the contribution meant for.

Not only did they fail to inform them ahead, just like the biblical Rehoboam’s finger and hip story they also increased the due from #2000 to #3000.

It is good that there’s a desire to have leave a mark in the Hall but it is wrong to leave the mark by Cohesion of others you are supposed to do the imprinting together.

Positives From the Elders Due

In the Elders due are only two positives. The first being of the desire to do something for the Hall and the second being that the money was laid to the Halls account and not to anyone’s personal account.

As at the time of writing this story neither the present Hall Administrator General nor the immediate Past Administrator General has replied their Dm’s on granting an interview.

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