You Can Be The Next Big Thing

By: Mayowa Adekola Peculiar

To some people, Lionel Messi is the greatest among the footballers of the current century. Messi mesmerizes the world with his mercy of mastery, which is why many crave his jersey. In fact, to the naive and old, every goal is Messi’s. But what in the real sense of things make him a legend on that football field?

Wole Soyinka wowed the world! His artistry and stellar fingers has earned him innumerable global awards. At his single word, all other lords on board hoard theirs. His deeds exemplify words mightier than swords. Needed to ask what fuels Wole’s creative ingenuity, that has earned him the accolades. His passion for storytelling, commitment to social justice, or his ability to inspire and educate?

Myles Munroe too wrote a volume of valuable books to show the road to those aiming for gold. Even while he is gone, his values are still being sold around the globe. What makes a man still so relevant after he’s gone? His insight into human nature, his understanding of leadership, or his ability to communicate complex ideas simply?

Don Moen is a reckon. The angels are always in their company for the accompaniment of his monument and instruments. What do you think inspires his music to be so touching, blessing souls around the world?

Have you read Ben Carson’s work and imagined yourself being another Carson? Why do you think some folks personify his identity? The density of his identity, or its credibility? Or his intelligence, grit and willingness to share his experiences with others?

Little wonders, some persons still consider these humans to be super or with extraordinary abilities, or ones specially chosen by the Supreme to be at the most peak, thriving in their industry. How do you think they are able to shape the world around them, become a force of reckon and impact on others? How are they able to keep influencing people’s appetites, serving as some people’s role models, controlling people’s feelings and interests, shaping others beliefs, becoming a source of inspiration, or even making their face a means of survival to some?

The reason may be far-fetched, but one visible reason is because they have discovered, and not just that, developed and demonstrated their purpose and passion. They were never after others’ ideas or influences, but trace and face what works well and best for them. They do what is convenient for them with grit; with grit!

You’re the next set of men and women to be seen and modeled. Identifying your area of impact is the first step to making a difference. It’s the spark that sets the fire burning. And it’s what drives you to keep going, even when the journey gets tough. Remember, making a difference often requires thinking outside the box, taking risks, and trying new things.

You count too. You can be a force to reckon with. You can be an impact maker too! You can be you! You can be the next big thing! You’ve only got to stay tuned to your passion and purpose!


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