
Situation Report: Firefighters Extinguish Queens Hall Fire Outbreak

Firefighters from the University’s Fire Service successfully extinguished a fire that broke out in Queen Elizabeth Hall, Block B, around midnight on December 5, 2024, IndyPress can report. The blaze was fully contained by 2:30 am. The incident has been described as ‘unexpected’ by student-residents of the hall. IndyPress observed […]

BREAKING: Fire Outbreak in Queens

In the early hours of Thurday, 5th of December, 2024, a fire outbreak was reported to have broken out in Queen Elizabeth II Hall, University of Ibadan. As of press time, the fire is still ongoing, and the cause of the fire is unknown. Fire services have been reported to […]

7 Days of ‘No Light’, Indy C3-constituency Awaits Solution

By: Sonaike Peter Residents of C3-constituency, Great Independence Hall of Residence, University of Ibadan, have expressed concern over the prolonged power outage on their floor. According to the occupants of the floor, the power outage on the floor has persisted for seven days, IndyPress can report. The occupants who spoke […]

UI Registry Commences 3-Day Retreat for Senior Officers   

By: IndyPress News Desk  The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Ibadan, Professor Kayode Adebowale, has stated that “the Registry at Ibadan is the best that can be found anywhere in Nigeria because it has produced iconic figures as Registrars that are world-class administrators and human resource managers per excellence.” Professor […]

“What Happened?”: How Indy Residents Stopped UI’SU House Secretary, Elemide Daniel From Shutting Down Indy Hall Kiosk 

By: Sonaike Peter  On the 30th of November, 2024, around 8:30 PM, the Students’ Union House Secretary, Elemide Daniel had what could be described as a cordial dispute with some residents of the Great Independence Hall. The mild disagreement occurred during a visit to the hall after the House Secretary […]

Campaign, Papers and Breaking the Law

By: Ochi, Maduabuchi There is a certain level of accountability that is expected from leaders. It is an accountability to the laws that govern the community within which the leader exists. These rules bind every person within the community and leaders are not to be exempted. In fact, they should […]

The Decimation of Heritage Park in its Full Picture 

In the aftermath of the shocking decimation of Heritage Park on the 21st of November, which happened in the wee hours of the day, several on-campus local press organizations, mainstream press organizations, non-governmental organizations, alumni, observers and members of the global academia profusely decried the act, citing environmental concerns. On […]

The Price of Dissent: Victimization and Its Nuances

This article looks at the cost of standing up for one’s conviction. It examines how acts of courage to speak the truth were met with harsh punishment, and its trail of effects, both in the sense of justice, and for the wider student community.   When Kunle Adebajo wrote and […]

“Ecosystem Restoration Goes Beyond Tree-Planting” – RNR Dean, Professor Adejoke Akinyele Says

By: IndyPress News Desk The Dean, Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources, and Lead Facilitator of the UI Pan-African Restoration Education Network, Professor Adejoke Akinyele, has reiterated that restoration goes beyond planting trees rather, it involves rebuilding ecological, social, cultural, and economic systems to ensure sustainability. Professor Adejoke Akinyele stated this […]