Author: Webmaster

The war against microbes

The War Against Microbes: Mission Impossible?

Williams Owoeye (Dawillty) “The earth and everything on it belongs to microbes. The world and all its people belong to them.” – Psalm 24:1 (Microbial Easy-to-Read Version) If microbes have organized religion like humans do, their scriptures would most likely be written in this manner, and of course, they would […]

Olaogun Temitope

Katanga Spotlight: An Interview with the Indy Hall AG, Olaogun Temitope

On this edition of Katanga Spotlight, Indy Press’ correspondent, John ‘Dare Okafor, met with the Administrator-General of Independence Hall, Temitope Olaogun to discuss the administration’s plans for Katangites, pressing issues as regards e-learning, its effects on Independence Hall and the forthcoming Indy @ 60 celebrations. Enjoy! Indy Press: Can we […]