By: Moboluwarin Ogunleye BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU. Rest easy, this isn’t 1984, Oceania. Nor is this a certain house we shall not be speaking of. Welcome to a certain scholastic city, where BIG BROTHER presides over everything and BIG BROTHER decides all. Now, you might be wondering “ who […]
Madam Speecker, Abeg Reason my Matter!
By: Sofo Makinde ACT 1 Scene 1. Inside the office of the Speecker of the School Replenishment Chamber (SRC), Fess and Bess Institution. The Olórí-Oko of the Fess and Bess walks into the office. Olórí-Oko: (raising up his two hands) My Speecker! My Speecker! The only Speecker in the Premier […]
BookDSM: Youhai and the 3 Shades of Shege
By: Lord Whistledown Renowned Philosopher, Pagan Grey, said, and I quote “Pain is the Ultimate Aphrodisiac”. The famous Japanese Tao Master, Niggato, consolidated this when he opined that, “you can see the beauty of the world, only by knowing True Pain” . Why did I have to go this route? […]
A Sermon On Mount Hindy: Aroism In A Way That Pleases The Lord
Preacher: Lord Whistledown Text: The Gospel according to St. Zeek 2:33 I am the voice of one that cries in the Quadrangle, heed my voice. For I have not come to abolish the tradition, but I have come to fulfill them. The strength of a society lies in its traditions. […]
Travails of a Polysaccharide Patriarch
By: John Eriomala I’ve listened to you all rant for the last two weeks; shaking my head at your lack of understanding. You people do not seem to comprehend the importance of what men like me do. See, it is necessary oh, very necessary what we the polygynists of Nigeria […]
Leadership in Katanja Rebuplick; Stories from the Oga at the Top
By: Sofo Makinde – Oga at the top I have always known that I’m born to rule. Yes ke! Leadership is in my DNA. In fact, my relationship with leadership is like that of Alajo Somolu and his money bags (you can read that again). It had even been foretold […]
Being a Nigerian House Agent—In Six Simple Codes
By: John ‘Dare Okafor One of the most underestimated professions in Nigeria is being a house agent. Majority of you think all we do is just to rent a small shop close to the road, get a small rectangular blackboard, with a few chalk sticks, and touches of a small fine handwriting to […]
How the Big Boys Plan for the New Session
By: Daniel Echoda The month of February is a month of love, so they say, and as a big boy on campus, by now you should have your plans strategically laid down accordingly. Although, UI almost spoilt those plans when they popped up the ’’Book of Life’’ on the first […]
Why We Made An Ibadan Man You-High’s VC – Sin-Ate
Details have emerged about why the sin-ate of Ibadan-based University, You-high, decided to appoint an Ibadan man, Balogun Kajewole Adeifokanbale of the Oloogun ruling House, as the next Vice-chancellor of the University. Recall that the race to select the next fi-si of the institution, which began several months ago, has been […]
Tête-a-Tête: An Entrepreneur’s Tips to his Compatriots
By: Habeeb Abdul You are at it again. Filling your jotter with grand ideas. For your mind, this business na your thing. Mirrors for the blind, coffins for the living. Nothing wey you no fit sell. Osheyy! Abiodun Bezos. Lost child of Elon Musk. As per how you sabi, you […]