
Big Brother is Watching You

By: Moboluwarin Ogunleye BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU. Rest easy, this isn’t 1984, Oceania. Nor is this a certain house we shall not be speaking of. Welcome to a certain scholastic city, where BIG BROTHER presides over everything and BIG BROTHER decides all. Now, you might be wondering “ who […]

Madam Speecker, Abeg Reason my Matter!

By: Sofo Makinde ACT 1 Scene 1. Inside the office of the Speecker of  the School Replenishment Chamber (SRC), Fess and Bess Institution. The Olórí-Oko of the Fess and Bess walks into the office.   Olórí-Oko: (raising up his two hands) My Speecker! My Speecker! The only Speecker in the Premier […]

BookDSM: Youhai and the 3 Shades of Shege

By: Lord Whistledown Renowned Philosopher, Pagan Grey, said, and I quote “Pain is the Ultimate Aphrodisiac”. The famous Japanese Tao Master, Niggato, consolidated this when he opined that, “you can see the beauty of the world, only by knowing True Pain” . Why did I have to go this route? […]