
Flier for Roundtable Discourse with Theophilus

Discourse #2: Sexual Assaults, the UIte and the University of Ibadan

This is the second discourse in the Roundtable Discourse with Theophilus series, and it touches on sexual assault, sexual assaults in the University of Ibadan, causes of sexual assaults in the University of Ibadan, the University’s provisions as regards sexual harassment, the Anti-Sexual Harassment Bill at the Senate, and potential solutions to sexual assaults in the University of Ibadan.

OPay: There’s a New Boss in Town!

This is not a regular daily guide; it is a peep into the future. And guess who’s boss? OPay! Start-ups like their owners, are enterprising ventures, and are subject to several unfavourable weather conditions in the business world. They therefore need to be handled with care. Every now and then, […]

Wired in, Wired out

–By: Bumblebee “Hey, my name is John Ballard and I’m here to introduce this new device that would revolutionalise the world mobile phone market…I bring to you the most advanced technology”. This is almost an everyday approach by mobile phone giant companies for marketing their new product to the world; […]

Fists, not Wits

What you’re about to read is a collation of quotes and personal comment on the (mis)use of power with swipes aimed at the corrupt nature of power and at the far end is what power ought to be but failed to represent. Please take your time to read. “The day […]

University of Ibadan fresher

Love is against You

Arewa, Why are you so unfortunate? That every man promised To be the crown of your head But they all ended up playing you Arewa, I heard about Adisa The accursed man that crushed your heart He broke your heart and sold your soul Why are you so unfortunate? Arewa, […]